Notice of Equal Opportunity and
Reasonable Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

NEMA is committed to providing individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from NEMA's programs, activities, and services.

Individuals may request reasonable accommodations from NEMA that they believe will enable them to have such equal opportunity to participate in our programs, activities, and services.

To request reasonable accommodations, contact NEMA’s Executive Director by completing the form (below) or by emailing

Read our frequently asked questions section (below) to learn who can submit a reasonable accomidation request, how the accomidation request is acted upon, what you can expect, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following FAQ provides information on requesting reasonable accommodations in NEMA's programs and activities.

What is a reasonable accommodation in NEMA's program?
A reasonable accommodation is a change or modification for a qualified individual with a disability to allow full enjoyment of NEMA's programs or activities, unless modifications of policies, practices, and procedures would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity, or result in undue financial and administrative burdens to NEMA.