NEMA and U.S. DOE/CESER Partnership

NEMA has a cooperative agreement relationship with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office for Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER). The office plays a key role in maintaining situational awareness, identifying and mitigating cyber threats, and coordinating Emergency Support Function #12 response and recovery operations.

NEMA works in partnership with CESER to promote increased communication, planning, and coordination between state emergency management agencies and state energy offices. Also, to educate emergency management on DOE’s role in energy emergencies and the resources they have available to states.

Exercises and After Actions Reports

Long Term Power Outage Response and Recovery Tabletop Exercise and AAR

The goal of this TTX is to provide participants the opportunity to share ideas, validate information, and highlight gaps (both knowledge and planning) related to energy assurance through responding to a long-term power outage. This after-action report/improvement plan (AAR/IP) was developed to document areas of strength, gaps, and potential solutions presented during the TTX, captured in formal evaluation and written participant feedback, as well as heard during the hot wash session.

Planning Guides

Best Practices for Energy Resilience and Cybersecurity:  The Role of State EMAs
Energy systems (electric, oil, and natural gas) use computing technologies to manage business systems and to control and monitor the processes and transportation of energy from production/generation to end use. The energy sector has become reliant on technology not just for many of its routine functions but also to increase resilience, improve efficiency, and enhance situational awareness. 

Best Practices for State Emergency Management Agencies
and Energy Offices for Integrated All-Hazards Planning
The Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, California wildfires, and extreme weather events have shown that state emergency management agencies (EMAs) play a critical role in responding to energy-related crises. Energy reliability in the United States directly impacts public safety, the economy, and national security.  This guide provides state EMAs with resources and best practices on energy resiliency and the role of emergency management.

Collaborative Development Guide
This guide provides a roadmap for regions seeking to form a response collaborative and includes examples of actions and decisions taken by other regions to enhance coordination and response to petroleum shortage emergencies among partnering states.

Western Petroleum Fuel Shortage Response Collaborative Regional Framework
The WPSRC was created to facilitate the coordination and development of a regional catastrophic fuel response framework among a subset of western states’ emergency management and energy offices. This initiative is a state-driven acknowledgment of the need to work together and share resources to best address state and regional petroleum shortage preparedness and response needs. The purpose of the WPSRC Regional Framework is to codify guidance for a coordinated response, prioritize response actions and measures, standardize information flows, and pre-identify tools and templates that may be necessary to respond to a petroleum shortage.

Supplemental Data Sources
Western States’ sample energy data sources and essential elements of information.

EMAC Energy Mission Ready Package Templates

An Energy Mission Ready Package (MRP) is everything you need to conduct an energy-related mission (personnel, equipment, commodities, travel, meals, and more) identified in a single document with associated costs. A good MRP significantly reduces time from request to deployment and better prepares resource providers for the reimbursement process.

U.S. DOE/CESER Resources for Emergency Management

DOE CESER State, Local, Tribaland Territorial (SLTT) Program
Homepage for CESER’s State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) Program. Includes information on DOE’s Energy Emergency Assurance Coordinators (EEAC) Program, which is a cooperative effort between CESER, NEMA, and other state organizations. State emergency management agencies can join the EEAC Program to communicate with DOE at all stages of energy emergencies and to receive DOE TLP:AMBER information.

State and Regional Energy Risk Profiles
Developed by CESER, these profiles examine the frequency and impact of natural hazards on electric, petroleum, and natural gas infrastructure at both a state and regional level.

An interactive geographic information system (GIS) that allows users to view and map the nation’s energy infrastructure and obtain near real-time informational updates regarding the electric, petroleum and natural gas sectors within one visualization platform. To gain access, new users should submit an account request by clicking here.

State, Local, Tribal, Territorial (SLTT) Program Resource Library
Resources to advance and inform state, local, tribal and territorial government’s energy security planning, risk awareness, policy and investment decisions, mitigation strategies and emergency response efforts.

DOE CESER Emergency Response Hub
Includes DOE CESER’s public situation reports related to hurricane, extreme weather and wildfire, and cyber incident response.

DOE CESER Emergency Authorities
Includes authorities and responsibilities passed down by both the executive branch and the U.S. Department of Energy to CESER. These authorities empower CESER to maintain situational awareness, discover and mitigate cyber threats, and orchestrate response and recovery operations.

DOE Energy Waiver Library
Includes information on the key types of emergency regulatory relief available for energy response and recovery efforts, examples of past uses, and federal agency points of contact.